Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2nd quake

once again Christchurch has had a big earth quake and even though this one was 6.3 and the first one was 7.2 this one has done more damage and has killed.
my brothers flat is in Christchurch and it is condemned so bad that he may not get his stuff back. (he is fine)
i hope That this is the last quake for Christchurch.
three men were removing the pipe organ and then the quake hit then the church just collapsed and they died...
this is one of NZ's darkest day...

Monday, February 21, 2011

my first few weeks back to school!

on my first day back to school I saw all my friends, people I know and new faces.
It was sad to see that some people have left to go of to high school.
the thing our whole school is studying is picture books it might seem babyish but we are reading big kid picture books. my favorite book so far is looking like me.
the first term of the year always has swimming, bikes, scooters and lots of things with wheels ( I bring my scooter)
When we go over to Room 1 we do art and study. we have been studying a remarkable new Zealand person and i chose Stan Walker because i found a lot of info about him.
and my favorite... ART! we have done two posters one about our self ( mine is fabulous!) and one about our dream land and mine is called " Grayce Pooh's jungle ville" and it is AWESOME!